Monday, November 28, 2011

Inequalities A Mathematical Olympiad Approach

Book title: Inequalities – A Mathematical Olympiad Approach.
Author: Radmila Bulajich Manfrino – José Antonio Gómez Ortega – Rogelio Valdez Delgado.
Publisher: Birkhäuser.
ISBN: 978-3-0346-0049-1.
This book is intended for the Mathematical Olympiad students who wish to prepare for the study of inequalities, a topic now of frequent use at various levels of mathematical competitions. In this volume we present both classic inequalities and the more useful inequalities for confronting and solving optimization problems. An important part of this book deals with geometric inequalities and this fact makes a big difference with respect to most of the books that deal with this topic in the mathematical olympiad.

104 Number Theory Problems - Titu Andreescu

Mathematical Olympiad in China Problems and Solutions

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mathematics and Youth Magazine, Problem in 412 Issue

Problem in this Issue (Vol 412/10/2011)


T1/412 (For 6 grade). Pick n numbers (n\geq 2) from th first hundred natural numbers (from 1 to 100) so that the sum of any two distinct numbers is a multiple of 6. What is the largest possible number n so that this can be done?
T2/411 (For 7 grade). Given
A=\dfrac{5^a}{5^{b+c}} and B=\dfrac{5^a+2011}{5^{b+c}+2011}
where a,b,c are the side lengths of a traingle. Compare A ang B.


The completion of this volume ends a project which has been on our minds for over 20 years. We began the writing of what became the first volume [137] in the fall of 1995. It has been a labor of love and we hope it will prove to be a useful addition to the literature. The original idea was to provide a full survey of the work done in characterizing the form of isometries on various Banach spaces. That turned out to be a task too vast in its extent to be done very successfully, but we have tried to touch on as many of its aspects as possible and to include a large number of references. Isometries are of fundamental importance and interest, and results about them pop up in all kinds of places.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Additive combinatorics by Terence Tao, Van H. Vu

Additive combinatorics is the theory of counting additive structures in sets. This theory has seen exciting developments and dramatic changes in direction in recent years thanks to its connections with areas such as number theory, ergodic theory and graph theory. This graduate level text will allow students and researchers easy entry into this fascinating field.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Set-Valued Analysis (Modern Birkhäuser Classics) by Jean-pierre Aubin, Hélène Frankowska

Publisher Comments:

“An elegantly written, introductory overview of the field, with a near perfect choice of what to include and what not, enlivened in places by historical tidbits and made eminently readable throughout by crisp language. It has succeeded in doing the near-impossible–it has made a subject which is generally inhospitable to nonspecialists because of its ‘family jargon’ appear nonintimidating even to a beginning graduate student.” –The Journal of the Indian Institute of Science “The book under review gives a comprehensive treatment of basically everything in mathematics that can be named multivalued/set-valued analysis. It includes…results with many historical comments giving the reader a sound perspective to look at the subject…The book is highly recommended for mathematicians and graduate students who will find here a very comprehensive treatment of set-valued analysis.” –Mathematical Reviews “I recommend this book as one to dig into with considerable pleasure when one already knows the subject…’Set-Valued Analysis’ goes a long way toward providing a much needed basic resource on the subject.” –Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society “This book provides a thorough introduction to multivalued or set-valued analysis…Examples in many branches of mathematics, given in the introduction, prevail [upon] the reader the indispensability [of dealing] with sequences of sets and set-valued maps…The style is lively and vigorous, the relevant historical comments and suggestive overviews increase the interest for this work…Graduate students and mathematicians of every persuasion will welcome this unparalleled guide to set-valued analysis.” –Zentralblatt Math

Monday, October 3, 2011

Danh sach NV3 CD Y te Thanh Hoa

Danh sach NV3 DH Su pham Ha Noi

Danh sach NV3 CD Bach Viet

Danh sach NV3 DH Nong Lam Bac Giang

Danh sach NV3 DH Kinh te-Tai chinh TP HCM

Danh sach NV3 CD Kinh te - ky thuat Lam Dong

Danh sach NV3 CDSP Thai Nguyen

Danh sach NV3 DH Cong nghiep Quang Ninh

Danh sach NV3 Dai hoc Hue 2011 - ngay 3/10/2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Bai tap giai tich on thi Omlympic toan sinh vien


Giao trinh toan cao cap danh cho sinh vien ky thuat

Link download:DOWNLOAD BOOK

Friday, September 30, 2011

Danh sach NV3 DH Phu Yen

Danh sach NV3 DH Cong nghiep Viet Tri

Danh sach NV3 CD Kinh te-Ky thuat Can Tho

Danh sach nop nguyen vong 3 DH Tien Giang

Danh sach NV3 Cao dang Su pham Quang Tri

Thursday, September 29, 2011

INFINITY by Hojoo Lee, Tom Lovering, and Cosmin Pohoat

The International Mathematical Olympiad is the largest and most prestigious mathematics competition in the world. It is held each July, and the host city changes from year to year. It has existed since 1959. Originally it was a competition between  students from a small group of communist countries, but by the late 1960s, social-democratic nations were starting to send
teams. Over the years the enthusiasm for this competition has built up so much that very soon (I write in 2008) there will be an IMO with students participating from over 100 countries. In recent years, the format has become stable. Each nation can send a team of up to six students. The students compete as individuals, and must try to solve 6 problems in 9 hours of examination time, spread over two days. The nations which do consistently well at this competition must have at least one (and probably at least two) of the following attributes:
(a) A large population.
(b) A significant proportion of its population in receipt of a good education.
(c) A well-organized training infrastructure to support mathematics competitions.
(d) A culture which values intellectual achievement.

Alternatively, you need a cloning facility and a relaxed regulatory framework. Mathematics competitions began in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the 19th century, and the IMO has stimulated people into organizing many other related regional and world competitions. Thus there are quite a few opportunities to take part in international mathematics competitions other than the IMO. The issue arises as to where talented students can get help while they prepare themselves for these competitions. In some countries the students are lucky, and there is a well-developed training regime. Leaving aside the coaching, one of the  most important features of these regimes is that they put talented young mathematicians together. This is very important, not just because of the resulting exchanges of ideas, but also for mutual encouragment in a world where interest in mathematics is not always widely understood. There are some very good books available, and a wealth of resources on the internet, including this excellent book Infinity. The principal author of Infinity is Hojoo Lee of Korea. He is the creator of many beautiful problems, and IMO juries have found his style most alluring. Since 2001 they have chosen 8 of his problems for IMO papers. He has some way to go to catch up with the sage of Scotland, David Monk, who has had 14 problems on IMO papers. These two gentlemen are reciprocal Nemeses, dragging themselves out of bed every morning to face the possibility that the other has just had a good idea. What they each need is a framed picture of the other, hung in their respective studies. I will organize this.

Link download:DOWNLOAD BOOK

Chuyen de luyen thi dai hoc: Phuong trinh duong thang trong mat phang

Link download:DOWNLOAD BOOK

Danh sach NV3 Dai hoc Hung Vuong 2011

Danh sach NV3 Dai hoc Quoc te Hong Bang 2011

DMSD1.08314 2 5,25 2 4,5 12 47.01.00008 401 9/20/2011
DMSD1.01413 3 6,5 5,25 4 16 02.27.00004 405 9/20/2011
SGDD1.33757 3 5,25 3,25 3,75 12,5 02.17.00206 C75 9/20/2011
SGDA.08200 3 3,5 3,75 3,5 11 02.S2.01082 C73 9/20/2011
DVLD1.29921 1 3 2,5 5 10,5 02.S1.00072 C66 9/20/2011
SGDD1.24529 3 5 3 3,5 11,5 02.23.00096 C72 9/20/2011
MBSD1.23530 2 3,75 4,25 3,75 12 45.17.00464 706 9/20/2011
CTSA.19663 1 3,5 4,25 3 11 40.03.01808 C67 9/20/2011
NHSA.01946 3 3,25 3,5 3,75 10,5 02.09.00024 C72 9/20/2011
DMSD1.03954 3 4,5 2 4 10,5 02.11.00060 C66 9/20/2011
KTSH.04272 3 7,25 5 11 23,5 02.58.00002 804 9/20/2011
KTSV.06576 1 3,5 4,25 14 22 40.40.00457 805 9/20/2011
TTNA.11980 1 0,75 4,25 4,5 9,5 40.02.00614 C66 9/20/2011
YDSB.30327 1 5,5 4,5 4,25 14,5 60.09.00250 301 9/20/2011
GTSA.08003 3 3,25 3,5 3,5 10,5 02.34.00007 C72 9/20/2011
SGDD1.30804 3 5,5 2,5 3 11 02.88.00320 C66 9/20/2011
KTSH.04857 3 6,5 5,5 12 24 99.99.00343 801 9/20/2011
CGTA.02381 2 3,75 3 4,5 11,5 41.00.02055 C72 9/20/2011
MBSA.06783 2NT 4,75 4,5 3,75 13 02.S2.01044 401 9/20/2011
SGDD1.30391 3 6 2,75 3,75 12,5 02.22.00242 C66 9/20/2011
SGDA.12831 2NT 4 3,25 4 11,5 49.04.00018 C66 9/20/2011
NLSD1.45826 3 4,75 2,25 3,5 10,5 02.42.00005 C69 9/20/2011
MBSA.10516 2 3,75 2,5 4,25 10,5 98.05.00064 C67 9/20/2011
CTSA.08413 1 3,75 4 2,25 10 50.95.95002 C66 9/20/2011
CKDD1.27252 3 4,75 3,5 6,75 15 02.16.00070 C70 9/20/2011
SGDD1.40030 2 5,25 3 4,25 12,5 98.19.00010 401 9/20/2011
DTHD1.08504 3 4,75 2,5 3,5 11 02.S2.00777 C72 9/20/2011
GTSA.09582 1 3 5,5 3 11,5 40.35.00349 104 9/20/2011
STST.00806 3 3,25 2 3,25 8,5 02.35.00001 908 9/20/2011
SPSD1.14058 3 5 3,5 4,5 13 02.12.00005 405 9/20/2011
KTSV.06249 3 5 5 10 20 55.02.00018 805 9/20/2011
YDSB.42544 2NT 4,25 6 4,5 15 35.32.28620 302 9/20/2011
MBSD1.26224 3 4 2,75 4 11 02.12.00094 C78 9/20/2011
DTTA.10060 3 2,75 5 4,25 12 02.51.00018 C72 9/20/2011
YDSB.42734 2NT 5,25 6 3,75 15 39.06.00051 302 9/20/2011
GTSA.11409 1 2 4,5 3,5 10 42.14.00461 C78 9/20/2011
DTTA.11655 3 2,75 4,5 4,5 12 02.05.00085 C66 9/20/2011
CXSA.00128 3 3,5 2,5 3,5 9,5 02.S2.00210 C68 9/20/2011
KTSV.05214 2NT 3,75 4,25 14 22 37.19.00230 805 9/20/2011
DMSA.03797 1 4,5 3,5 3 11 02.S2.01062 402 9/20/2011
KTSV.06169 3 4,25 5,75 14 24 98.01.00112 805 9/20/2011
HUIA.01414 1 0,5 3,75 5 9,5 99.99.03675 C70 9/20/2011
DTTA.04976 2NT 1,75 3,5 3,75 9 52.36.00011 C67 9/20/2011
NLSD1.47531 3 4,75 3,25 4,25 12,5 02.63.00041 C67 9/20/2011
SGDD1.30074 2 4 3,25 3,5 11 02.78.00057 C67 9/20/2011
LPSA.02131 2 1,75 4,25 5 11 02.78.00002 C66 9/20/2011
TDLA.01473 2NT 2 3,5 3,75 9,5 30.18.00032 C67 9/20/2011
DMSA.14141 2NT 2,5 4,5 2,25 9,5 41.38.00433 C74 9/20/2011
HUIB.52938 1 6 3 4,25 13,5 42.27.02466 302 9/20/2011
CXSA.06359 2 5,25 3 2,25 10,5 47.00.00001 C68 9/20/2011
SPSD1.13857 3 3,75 3 3,75 10,5 02.39.00022 C67 9/20/2011
SGDA.13246 3 3 3,25 4,75 11 02.35.00076 C72 9/20/2011
DLHD1.01253 2NT 4,5 1 3,5 9 48.13.05311 C66 9/20/2011
SGDA.07916 3 3,75 4,5 4,25 12,5 02.21.00205 400 9/20/2011
SGDD1.31826 3 4,75 3 5,75 13,5 02.96.00024 701 9/20/2011
MBSD1.30610 3 4 2 4,25 10,5 02.28.00072 C73 9/20/2011
NLSB.39874 1 6,25 3,5 5,25 15 36.03.00010 302 9/20/2011
KSAA.02076 1 2,25 4,75 4,5 11,5 49.13.00006 403 9/20/2011
MBSD1.31866 3 6 3 3,75 13 02.33.00130 405 9/20/2011
QSKD1.07793 3 4 3,5 4,5 12 98.14.00019 C66 9/20/2011
KTSV.05219 2NT 4 3,75 14 22 98.14.00001 805 9/20/2011
QSTB.08240 1 6,5 4,5 3,25 14,5 47.06.00006 302 9/20/2011
KTSV.06361 2NT 4,75 4,5 13 22,5 02.S2.00295 805 9/20/2011
SPST.16780 3 4,5 0,75 10 15,5 02.S2.00298 901 9/20/2011
DTHD1.07193 1 2 3,5 3,5 9 02.S2.00262 C66 9/20/2011
GTSA.08173 1 3 1,5 4,5 4,25 10,5 02.00.00002 C66 9/20/2011
HUIA.23743 3 5,25 3,25 4 12,5 02.10.00008 405 9/20/2011
KTSH.04440 1 5,75 6 9 21 40.36.00707 804 9/20/2011
SGDA.00346 1 1,5 4 3,5 9 43.06.00012 C67 9/20/2011
TCTB.45816 1 5,5 3 4,25 13 57.39.00012 300 9/20/2011
NLSA.00923 3 3 4,25 4,5 12 02.83.00012 C66 9/20/2011
MBSD1.31871 3 3,75 4,25 4,25 12,5 02.17.00149 701 9/20/2011
DMSA.12093 3 2,25 5,5 4 12 98.14.00055 C72 9/20/2011
KTSV.08174 2 0,75 3,5 9 13,5 37.06.00909 805 9/20/2011
KTSH.02477 3 4 2,5 5 11,5 02.S2.00314 C85 9/20/2011
CSSA.02581 2 2,75 3 3,5 9,5 02.02.00588 C83 9/20/2011
QSTB.07982 2 7,5 4,75 3,5 16 56.30.00060 300 9/20/2011
SGDD1.24844 3 5 1,75 5 12 02.53.00084 701 9/20/2011
KTSV.07166 3 4,5 6 12 22,5 02.56.00034 805 9/20/2011
DMSD1.05545 3 5,25 3 4,75 13 02.12.00064 405 9/20/2011
KTSV.07477 3 5,25 3,25 14 22,5 02.06.00002 805 9/20/2011
DTTA.02779 3 2,25 4,5 5,5 12,5 02.45.00043 C67 9/20/2011
KTSV.05917 2NT 3,25 4,25 14 21,5 98.19.00001 805 9/20/2011
HUID1.75731 1 3,5 2,5 2,75 9 49.17.00056 C67 9/20/2011
TCTD1.78115 1 4,5 1,75 4 10,5 60.04.02112 C72 9/20/2011
SGDD1.31392 2NT 5 1,25 3 9,5 49.06.00143 C71 9/20/2011
CCOA.02547 2 4,25 4 4 12,5 49.18.00001 C67 9/20/2011
DTTD1.27159 3 4,25 3,5 4,75 12,5 02.21.00054 C67 9/20/2011
LPSD1.11840 2 3,75 4,75 4,25 13 35.15.05386 403 9/20/2011
NHSA.10535 2NT 2,75 4 3 10 37.32.01005 C67 9/20/2011
DMSA.13462 3 2,5 4,75 5,5 13 02.22.00093 400 9/20/2011
DMSD1.07673 3 5,25 3 3,5 12 02.S2.01275 C72 9/20/2011
SGDA.07243 1 1,5 3,5 4,25 9,5 61.15.00062 C72 9/20/2011
KTSH.03531 2 6,5 6 13 25,5 35.50.38234 804 9/20/2011
YCTB.07170 1 3,75 3,25 3,5 10,5 61.15.00051 C81 9/20/2011
DTTA.07796 3 4,75 5,75 3,5 14 02.63.00048 404 9/20/2011
DTTA.09032 3 4 5 2,75 12 02.53.00062 C70 9/20/2011
KTSV.05695 1 4,75 6 11 22 54.00.00205 805 9/20/2011
DTHA.02330 3 1,25 3,5 3 8 99.99.00025 C67 9/20/2011
YDSB.30615 1 7,5 1,75 2 11,5 60.09.00253 C82 9/20/2011