The book starts with a collection by Aassila M., Andreescu T., Barbeau E. J., Beckenbach E., Bourgade P., Bulajich Manfrino R., Cirtoaje V., Dorrei H., Dospinescu G., Enescu B., Engel A., Feng Z., Gomez Ortega J.A., Hardy G.H., Klamkin M., Kolev E., Lascu M., Larson L., Littlewood J.E., Mitrinovic D., Mushkarov O., Negut A., Nikolov N., Panaitopol L., Pham Kim Hung, Pòlya G., abinowitz , reiman I., Shawyer B.L.R., Stergiou B., Soulami T., Todev R., Xiong Bin and of many other friends. Its intention is to bring together, in the successive editions, all significant algebraic inequalities. This will also be done by finding out the author, year in which it was created and grade of difficulty on a scale of 1 to 5 (banal, easy, medium, requiring effort and difficult). We haven’t classified the problems according to the techniques used to solve them, or by their difficulty, in order to avoid limiting the creativity and freedom of the person solving them. In writing this book, the website has been very useful. It is created and maintained by Dr Valentin Vornicu, who is totally dedicated to all the kinds of mathematics that help in preparing for national mathematics competitions and the International Mathematics Olympics. On the website’s forum, these mathematical inequalities can be discussed much further. Alternative solutions can be suggested, along with new problems that may help to develop the knowledge of friends visiting the website. This also provides an opportunity to underline the importance of mathematics as a discipline, for the development of men and also of society. The problems that are marked t=329751 or similar are present on the forum of the website
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